Monday, November 2, 2015

Cross One Career Off the List

Let me just start by saying that I will never be a real estate agent. The majority of our week was spent trying to get all the logistics worked out to move one of our recent converts, Kathy. Now I don't know too much about homeownership, but I know that you DO NOT put in your 30 days notice for moving out until you have another place set up. I guess Kathy didn't get that. It's been the most stressful week of my life, trying to get her not to be homeless.

There is a spiritual connection though. We told Kathy that she could fast and pray that things would work out as we try to make them happen. She said that she gained a testimony of God answering prayers because we were able to work out all the impossible details (like getting a queen sized box spring and mattress up a tiny flight of stairs with two 90 degree angles) and get her all moved in on Halloween night.  That was a trial of faith right there!

Halloween was super fun. We had our ward's Trunk-or-Treat. We invited some of our investigators to attend, and they actually did! Elder Carter and I went as each other which was pretty hilarious.

We concluded Halloween night with a pizza party and jam session, complete with board games (after appropriate studying of talks, of course). It was awesome!

We had difficulty getting with our investigators this week, but we were able to have good lessons with them once we found them. We've really been trying hard to get as much work done as possible so that we can have those people to teach. It's been slowly starting to get busier. I have faith that it'll start getting up there.

Stay strong, be happy and read 1 Nephi 19:22-23 

Elder Jensen

My pumpkin this year (I made do)

Watch out tweakers

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