Monday, November 9, 2015

Shave Everyday November

Good Mormon Everyone! (little joke)

It's been another really good week here in Roseburg. It has finally started to cool down to what you would imagine the weather in Oregon in November would be like. It's really nice to walk out the door and not feel like I'm going to die of heat exhaustion.

We were able to have one of our recent converts, Amanda, go to the temple to do baptisms for the dead. While she was there she had the work done for her father, who passed away about three years ago. She sent us a text that said, "I felt my Dad's spirit at his baptism and confirmation. I know my father is ok now. He is in spirit paradise. I finally have closure and now I'm not the only one in my family [who has accepted the Gospel]."  Isn't that just THE COOLEST THING YOU'VE EVER HEARD!? It's been an awesome experience seeing Amanda be such a diligent follower of Christ. We're going to have a lesson with Amanda and her mother, who isn't a member, on Wednesday. Hopefully Amanda can have her mother join her and her father! :)

We also had the amazing opportunity to have our Zone Conference and Stake Conference be in the same weekend. Not only that, but we were able to have Elder Marcus B. Nash of the First Quorum of the Seventy preside at both conferences. He is such an amazing speaker and he really spoke to me in my calling as a missionary.  The adult session of conference was one of the most spiritual meetings I've ever had. Elder Nash talked a lot about how the Savior would be a missionary if he were serving where I am. He also had a question and answer session, which I highly recommend to anyone who can pick the mind of a General Authority.  One of the things Elder Nash talked about that I really loved was that if we keep our perspective on what we know - who we are, why we're here, and what our eternal potential is - then we can combat any adversity that may come. As beautifully put by President Uchtdorf, "Doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith".

There is nothing that may cross our path that our knowledge of the Gospel can't overcome, wether it's affliction, sin, trials, or opposition to who we are and what we believe. The strength that comes with our eternal perspective of this life is the only sure foundation from which we can't fall. We have to grow our testimony of the Gospel. Elder Nash explained that the best way to do that is through consistency in living the Gospel. From the simple application of living Gospel standards daily, reading our scriptures, saying our prayers, and keeping our covenants, can we truly grow our conversion to the Gospel. We have to be more than just a Latter-day Saint on Sunday mornings. We have to constantly be looking for ways to increase our faith and understanding because that's what will be the true source of our strength. As Matthew 24:35 says, "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away." Our Heavenly Father's plan for us is the greatest knowledge that we have in this life, and while the world will change in morals, values, the perception of what is good and what is evil, we will always know what God has in store for us if we abide by his words.

That was by far the highlight of the week. Other than that we didn't do a whole lot. We met a few people that we'll hopefully have the opportunity to start teaching, and had some great lessons with others. Oh and this cat followed us around a neighborhood for awhile, which was fun.

Elder Carter and I are doing really well here. Thank you for all the prayers and support. Sorry I didn't take too many pictures this week. I'll try to do better.

Elder Jensen

Twinning with Elder Holman

Roseburg Sunset

Live from P-Day

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