What a rollercoaster these past few weeks have been. Holy cow, there's
so much to talk about.
This week was another crazy one, filled with
the most up of ups and the most down downs and everywhere in between.
It was a week for growth and strengthening of testimony and refinement
into what God wants me to be. But with each and every event, there's
something to take away and apply for the better.
Let me first start out by saying that every single set lesson that we
had this week cancelled or bailed on us. Every one. We had impromptu
drop in lessons and talked with lots of people, but only had maybe 2-3
actual sit down discussions. I've found when you're not teaching,
missionary work doesn't feel as fun.
Because we didn't have any
lessons, we spent a lot of time trying to find people to teach through tracting, potential lists, and other means. No one was interested, but
we sure as sure planted a lot of seeds in the hearts of people.
Like I said before, a lot of our week was really up and down. We went
to have a lesson with Fawn and the kids only to find a note on the
doorframe saying that they needed to "talk as a family and see if our
visits were necessary." We thought we got dropped; dropped like it was
hot. After being somewhat devastated for a few days, we went back over
to their house to see what the big deal was. Turns out that Fawn is
still interested, but gets stressed out when we're over because she
doesn't think her kids are listening. We told her that it wasn't a
problem and that we could have separate lessons with her and the kids
so she didn't feel so stressed. Problem solved and crisis averted!
We also had a specialized training with President Russell and the
assistants this week. It was a great spiritually uplifting meeting
full of good teachings and the spirit. Even better than that though
was our zone testimony meeting we had on Friday. Everyone in the zone
was able to share something, even those who we didn't think would and
the spirit was SUPER strong! I feel like it brought everyone together
and made us more united. Then, in true Murphy's law form, we shattered
the screen on our phone, rendering it almost unusable. As the Zone
Leaders, we kiiiinnnndddaaa need to have a phone, and we went without
one for FOUR DAYS. It was the worst thing. 0/10. Would not recommend.
But then, my saving grace came: General Conference. This was probably
the best conference that I've had the chance to listen to in my entire
life. I loved all the messages that were shared and the council that
was given. The spirit that was felt really gave me a much needed boost
and helped keep me positive and focused. Some of my favorite talks
that were given include the addresses of President Uchtdorf, Elder
Rendlund, Elder Holland, President Nelson, and our wonderful prophet,
President Monson. I loved the central themes of family and support for
those around us, temples, and the priesthood. From President Eyring
starting off the conference with a great promise of the spirit to
Elder Holland driving home a powerful testimony of love and support,
this conference felt complete. Every address flowed well into the next
and brought comfort and peace to me and my soul. Some favorite moments also included the guy in the choir that was crying during "Come Thou Fount", Elder Ballard saying "Snapchat" and President Uchtdorf talking about the Chewbacca costume. Also, I really want
to have a British apostle now.
After being on such a spiritual high, we were super pumped and ready
to have the baptismal interview for Ray. We had it all set up and were
waiting for him to show up when ten minutes go by, then twenty, then
thirty. Amidst all the calls and texts we sent to him, we decided to
run over to his house and investigate. When we got there, we felt trouble in the air. We walked in and discovered that Ray had relapsed
into old Ray habits. Badly. We had a full lesson with him using the
things we talked about in conference telling him that he IS worth
something in the eyes of God and he can be forgiven of his sins. He
finished the lesson in tears and a sweet prayer. We're working with
him to get baptized on the 30th of April!
The craziness of this week was capped off with our mad dash around the
state of Oregon yesterday. We have an elder that has been struggling and it was
suggested by his doctors that it's time for him to go home. What
started off as us just taking him up to the mission home turned into
us literally driving as fast as missionarily possible straight to the
airport. We were FLYING. White knuckles. Constant calls from President
Russell. No stopping. It was intense. But, he made it there safe and
sound! It was a bummer to see him go, but we know that home is where
he needs to be right now. So that's where the majority of our PDay
went yesterday, on the road.
Although our week was crazy, it's definitely been for my benefit.
These past few weeks have been full of more growth and learning than
any other time in my life. It hasn't been easy, but it's sure as heck
been an adventure. I feel like President Monson's words at conference
really sum it up well. We know where we want to go, so we must make
the choices that will get us there. If we choose Christ, we will
always choose the correct path for us, even when times are hard. No,
especially when times are hard.
Here's looking toward the last week
of the transfer! I love you all and hope that everyone has a lovely
Oh, and I also got my eyebrows waxed this week. It wasn't pleasant.
Elder Jensen
There is a family in the ward named the Webster's. Guess where they're from?
(I'll give you a hint, it's written on the book) ((I'll give you another hint, it's Kaysville))
Traditional post-Priesthood ice cream |
Our cute lil temple |