Saturday, June 25, 2016

Adventures in FLMTH Week 4: Road Trips? Road Trips.

Heidi Heidi Ho!

So, we had some awesome stuff go on this week. We had another lesson with Debbie at the Corvallis Manor where she's recovering. We taught her the Plan of Salvation and the spirit was very strong in that meeting. Even though she's not at her full physical capacity, and likely won't ever be again, she expressed a strong desire to come to church and learn for herself the things we were teaching to be true.

We had a chance to actually sit down with Clifford as well this week. He told us about his entire life up to that point, full of drugs, prison, alcohol, and all other types of debauchery. He told us a story of how he was about ready to give up everything and heard from the sprit to give up everything to God. From then on, he's been working on getting his life back on track. Like Debbie, some of the decisions in his past might hinder his learning a bit, but we told him that we're here to help him and that anyone can overcome anything through Christ and his infinite sacrifice for us. I'm very excited to see where he goes from here.

This week's lesson learned is that, even while on a mission, you're still stuck going on road trips during the summer. This week we did a TON of driving around different places. Elder Spencer had his going away temple trip on Wednesday, so we had to drive all the way into Albany (outside of our mission mind you) to take him to a gas station so the mission president could grab him and take him to Portland. Confusing? I thought so too. But I got to hang out with the zone leaders and a few other missionaries for a few hours, so that was awesome!

Yesterday we went to the coast with Jake from the ward (not from State Farm). We traveled around Newport and the surrounding area for the entirety of the day. We went to shops, saw the sights, saw some seals, dipped our digits into the ocean, ate some clam chowder, and had just a ball of a time. It was a nice and relaxing PDay in one of my favorite places on the planet, so who can be bummed about that?

The most extensive of our road tripping experiences happened on Thursday. We had a Multi-Zone conference in Eugene with special speaker Elder Daniel L. Johnson of the Seventy. It was refreshing to be able to see so many familiar faces all at once; you tend to miss it when you're in an outlying area. Elder Johnson gave a great address about the nature of Heavenly Father and why it's so critical for us to correctly teach and emphasize the doctrine of God being our literally father in heaven. He actually told us to not take any notes and to pay attention to what the spirit impressed on us. A different approach to teaching, but it was cool to have an open discussion with a general authority.

That about wraps up the week for me so far. Only a little less than two weeks until we figure out the information for transfers. This next week we don't have too much lined up expect for ZTM on Friday. It'll be nice to just listen to others teach rather than teach others for a change.

I love you all so so so much. Stay hydrated, stay humble, stay something else that starts with an H that I can't think of off the top of my head. And have a great week!

Elder Jensen

That fine grizzled friend is Jake. He's da bomb.

I have now decided that seals are my spirit animal

Chase vs 60 mph car speeds + wind

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