Monday, May 1, 2017

Medford 13: Biking on the Sun

Hey there everyone!

This has been a good week. It's been getting hot over here in Oregon and we're feeling it. Walking and biking around in this weather has been quite the experience.

Speaking of, on Saturday (who needs chronological order anyway) we went biking eeeevvvveeerrryyywhere. Xavier, one of the people people that I was teaching in Springfield got baptized this weekend. In order to Skype in, we had to bike the whole six miles in the heat of the day through busy Medford traffic to the church so we could see it. It was quite the trip. We got a bit sunburned and Elder Green almost fell into a river. Good times.

We've been visiting Patrick and Southern a lot lately and they're doing really well. We've been reading from the Book of Mormon with them and they're coming out of their shell. We're hoping to get them comfortable enough to come to church. They're going to be a little bit of a project, but we're making lots of progress!

We also taught a few new people that we found and had a really good lesson with this lady named Cecilia. We taught her the Restoration for about 45 minutes and then she had a TON of questions for us afterwards. It was great. We feel like she could really make some progress.

Other than hifiving homeless guys, getting cussed out by a part member family, holding pigeons, and going on a hike in Ashland, not too much else has happened. We're just out and doing the work.

Have a great week everyone! Don't feed the wildlife.

Elder Jensen

Secret Passageways 

Don't worry, we looked out for trains

We found President Monson's pigeons


Take a hike!

Medford 12: Walk This Way

This week was pretty good. It was super long. Definitely one of the longest weeks ever. But it was still good!

We did a ton of walking. So much walking. My feet are super done and my brown shoes are super full of holes. Good thing I've only got a few weeks left! 😅 BUT everything's still good.

My new companion is named Elder Green from Dallas Texas. He's actually from the Ward that Hailee Hendricks is serving in right now. Funny how things work huh? He's a good guy and we're getting along pretty well.

Things are really really slow. All is well though. Honestly, there isn't too much to write about.

We had some good lessons with a few of our investigators. We sat down with Patrick and Southern and read from the Book of Mormon with them. The spirit was really there and we're going to be working with them a lot.

We also went out to lunch with Tom our less active friend! It was super sweet. He's such a good guy. We're going to hopefully start teaching his non member wife here soon.

That's really about it. Man, emailing is super hard. Sorry for being lame. I love you guys so much!

Have an awesome week!

Elder Jensen

A couple of Oregon sunsets this week....

Medford 11: Easter 2K17

Hey everyone.

I hope you all had a Happy Easter. I know that we did here in Phoenix!

This week was pretty mellow. We did a lot of service and attempting to contact people that we were working with. It wasn't all too successful, but we still had a good time walking ourselves all over creation.

We were able to have some good lessons this week. We've been getting to know Patrick and Southern, the part member family we're teaching. They're super cool. We mowed their lawn with an old school rotating lawnmower. It was intense.

We had Zone Conference this week too. It was a great meeting and the spirit was super there! It was combined with the Klamath Falls and Central Point zones. It was really great to see so many friends from around the mission all the while being super spiritually uplifted.

Easter was so fantastic! This past week, I really did a lot of in depth study about the last week of the mortal life of the Savior. Study coupled with pondering really helped me to grow my testimony and appreciation for Him and the Easter season. I'm filled with so much gratitude for the sacrifice that He has made for us and for me. I really love Easter and wish that it was as big of a deal as other holidays, because it celebrates the most important event to ever happen. I'm so grateful for this gospel and all the blessings it's brought in to my life.

In other news, transfers have happened here in the good old OEM. Elder Davis is going up to Santa Clara, and my new companion is named Elder Green from Dallas Texas! He's fantastic and I love him already. This is going to be a great transfer and I'm super excited for the next few weeks here!

Thank you all for the love and support. Keep up the good work. Talk to you all soon!

Smooth Sailing,

Elder Jensen

The last pic of the First Ward Gang