Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Medford 10

Happy Easter week everyone!

I hope that this week finds everyone well. Things have been going really nicely down here in the Medford/Phoenix area. We've been getting back into business lately.

We did a ton of service this week for a bunch of different places. We did a lot of yard work for the local cemetery in Phoenix, more work at the pear farm, and helping an older sister in our ward. It was so great to be able to go and help others while we're out here.

There was a Zone Training Meeting this Friday that was really great. We talked a lot about the importance of using the Scriptures in our teaching and how to personally study them. It was a good meeting and I really got a lot out of it. We also got sushi afterwards, so that was tops.

We had a few lessons this week with some of the investigators we've found the last little while. We found a family to teach which is great! They're awesome and met with the elders a while ago. Hopefully they'll get going here pretty soon.

Super best part of the week; we went on exchanges with the elders in 6th ward! Me and Elder Zilles killing it, just like the good old MTC. It was so much fun. We all bought huge tubs of ice cream and knocked a lot of doors. It was a grand old time.

That's about it for this week. We have a zone conference and transfer calls, so we'll know what's going on.

I hope you all have a wonderful week. Thank you for all the love and support!

Elder Jensen

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Medford Something or Other...


Hey everyone. It's Elder Jensen here in Phoenix.

Things have been going really well. This week was a lot slower than the last, but it's still been great.

A ton of people canceled on us this week, so there was a lot of walking and knocking with not a lot of people behind the doors. It was kind of disappointing, but we're working on keeping things going. We were still able to find a few people to teach. It was awesome.

The best part about this week definitely had to be general conference. Holy cow, this one was just PHENOMENAL. I swear that they get better and better as time goes on. This one was also super special because it's the last time I'll listen to conference before I go home.

We watched all the sessions at the church because all of our investigators flaked out. But it was such a spiritual experience nonetheless. Some personal favorites included her addresses given by Elder Renlund, President Uchtdorf, and our dear prophet President Monson. I took a whole slew of notes and was on a spiritual high for the next few hours.

That's honestly been the extent of the week. Hopefully this next one is better!

Love you all! Take care and don't be a square,

Elder Jensen

Medford 8: 9-9-9

Hey there everyone!

Oh man this week was fantastic. One of the best weeks of my mission for sure! I've gained a testimony of diligence over the past week, but I'll get to that in a minute.

There's a church welfare farm in Medford that we've started doing service at during the week. We've been hanging pheromones in the trees so that moths won't get into the pears and lay worms, because that's nasty. So pretty much it's been moth birth control on a stick. It's kinda hilarious.

We also taught some really swell lessons this week. We've gotten back in contact with Chris. He's doing pretty well, but still recovering from stuff. He's super excited for general conference this next week!

We also taught a lesson with Patrick and Southern inside their house. It was superb and the spirit was super strong.

Ricard is doing great! He's the funniest man I've ever met. After we taught him the restoration, he was super concerned why Brigham Young got a college named after him and Joseph Smith didn't. It was hilarious. We're moving his date back a little bit because he's smoking, but we're going to fix that!

So, the coolest thing happened this week. We decided to do a 12 hour tracting day on Saturday. 9 to 9 just straight knocking doors. 239 doors to be exact. We were out ALL DAY LONG. It was honestly one of the best experiences I've ever had on my mission. You wouldn't think that 12 hours of door knocking would be fun at all, but I had a blast! We found nine people to tech on Saturday and finished with 12 for the week! It really spoke to me that when we're turning our time over to the Lord, he'll take it from there. It was so great!

That's about it though! Have a great week everyone! Thanks for all the support!

Be nice,

Elder Jensen